5 LEGAL AWARDS 2019 | WWW.LAWYER-MONTHLY.COM Introduction Welcome to the 2019 edition of the Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards. Lawyer Monthly is pleased to present its annual Legal Awards. With the year drawing to a close, we would like to recognise the sheer hard work and dedication of those in the legal industry throughout 2019; from the vast amount of hours put in to help clients, all the way to being ahead of the game to win each legal battle, the Legal Awards aims to unveil the best in the legal industry. As a result of several months of research and preparation, the Legal Awards recognise legal experts that have influenced the wider legal profession in their jurisdiction. The winners include all areas of the legal profession from high achieving junior associates to long serving barristers. Inside this publication, we have exclusive interviews from the winners themselves, where they reveal their secrets to success and how they hope to further their recognition and achievements in the legal sphere. We hope you enjoy this special publication andwewould like to congratulate all winners on their hard work and dedication to the legal sector.
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