Michael. A MEDIATION SERVICE OF THE YEAR Hawash, Esq. Founder - Hawash Houston Mediation Michael Hawash is the founder of Hawash Houston Mediation in Houston, Texas where he routinely serves as a mediator, arbitrator, and EDR neutral. Michael serves on the Early Dispute Resolution Committee of the American Bar Association and is a trustee of the EDR Institute, a non-profit corporation organized to promote the fair, effective, and ethical use of early dispute resolution principles and to educate lawyers, judges, neutrals, businesses, and the general public about EDR’s benefits. Michael Hawash is transforming the way businesses handle litigation. Using a new form of dynamic mediation called Early Dispute Resolution, Hawash has enabled numerous companies to get disputes resolved quickly, fairly and economically, while avoiding the cost and expense of “litigation as usual.” We asked Hawash to explain the Early Dispute Resolution process its benefits. BANISH LONG EXPENSIVE LITIGATION! CONTACT Michael Hawash Hawash Houston Mediation 711 W. Alabama, Houston, TX 77006 713-658-9015 www.HoustonMediation.com Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2023 86 USA
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