Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve In an engaging interview with Lawyer Monthly, Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve of Fairgrieve Law Office offers an insightful look into her extensive career in employment and labor law. With over two decades of experience, Rose-Ellen shares her transition from working as a Deputy City Attorney in San Francisco to specializing in employment law, driven by her deep interest in the human aspects of the workplace and the societal impact of employment cases. She discusses the challenges posed by the evolving workforce, especially in the wake of COVID-19, and the impact of digital platforms and remote work on employment law in the San Francisco Bay Area. Rose-Ellen also delves into her approach to sensitive employment disputes, including harassment and discrimination cases, emphasizing the importance of understanding the human factors involved. Principal of Fairgrieve Law Office LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAWYER OF THE YEAR Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve Fairgrieve Law Office 58 West Portal Avenue, #333, San Francisco, CA 94127 Tel: 415-890-6057 LI: fairgrieve-law-office Contact Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2023 90 USA
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