Wadih Ph. Khalaf AlOthman & Khalaf About AlOthman & Khalaf AlOthman & Khalaf, attorneys and counselors-at-law, is a Kuwaiti Law firm Joint Venture among Lawyer Jamal AlOthman & Associates, managed by lawyer Wadih Philippe Khalaf. AlOthman & Khalaf, since early 1980, within a 41-year practice in Kuwait City, represented hundreds of Kuwaiti citizens, companies, groups and international corporations operating in the State of Kuwait and aboard, drafted thousands of legal contracts and followed up tens of thousands of court cases at all levels of the Kuwaiti courts, and in national and international arbitrations. AlOthman & Khalaf legal practitioners, on daily basis, attend courts and experts hearings, answer legal questions, issue verbal or written legal opinions, draft contracts, represent their clients in negotiations, meetings, assemblies, render different legal services within its main areas of expertise in infrastructure, insurance, oil fields, construction, trade and distribution of products, ports, airports, highways, roads and bridges, transport, shipping, forwarding, real estate, housing projects, power stations, water treatment plants, petrochemical facilities, HAVC, international and national trade, international procurement and supply, industry, fuel distribution, marketing, telecommunication and telecommunication infrastructure, broadcast, radio, satellites, technology, information, food catering, cleaning, waste management, jewelry, vessels, private jet airplanes, construction equipment, cars and vehicles, pharmaceuticals, sports, entertainment, real estate, and real estate management, maintenance, engineering, consulting engineers, projects management, accounting and auditing, establishment, liquidation, bankruptcy of commercial companies, commercial agencies, trademarks and copyrights, taxes, civil indemnities, professional liability, third party administration, offshore, inheritances, debts collection, BOT, privatization projects, free zones and do offer solutions and services for foreign entities to establish start and operate businesses in Kuwait. AlOthman & Khalaf offers its services in English, Arabic, French and interrelated translation of legal matters. AlOthman & Khalaf Email: attorneys@wphklaw.com Tel: (+965) 22461842/22461843 Fax: (+965) 22461847 Contact KUWAIT LAWYER MONTHLY LEGAL AWARDS 2021 99 www.lawyer-monthly.com Our Special Experience in Infrastructure Litigation & Arbitration Litigation Lawyer of the Year
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