Lawyer Monthly - Legal Awards 2022

Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2022 Adeena Weiss Ortiz is a bilingual licensed attorney in Illinois and Florida for the past 20 years, who practices in state, federal, and administrative courts. She began her pursuit of the law at an early age at the Law Office of Jack J. Weiss (1928-1995) in Miami, Florida where she worked for many years prior to moving to Chicago. Adeena’s father, Attorney Jack Weiss inspired Adeena to pursue a legal career by showing her the importance of serving the community through the legal profession. Adeena received a Master of Laws and Juris Doctor from the John Marshall Law School, and a bachelor’s degree from Simmons College. Prior to founding Weiss Ortiz P.C. and, Adeena was employed in private practice, municipal entities, and pro bono agencies. Adeena has extensive litigation and mediation experience, which has aided in obtaining favorable judgments for her clients. Today, Adeena practices in civil, criminal, family, immigration, commercial litigation, and transactional matters such as real estate, business formation, and estate planning. She is actively involved in a variety of bar associations, handles cases pro bono from referring agencies, and regularly volunteers her legal services, while managing her practice. About Adeena Weiss Ortiz Adeena Weiss Ortiz Founder Weiss Ortiz P.C. and PERSONAL INJURY LEGAL COUNSEL OF THE YEAR • Family Law • Personal Injury • Labor & Employment • Real Estate • Probate • Criminal Defense • Immigration Areas of Expertise Contact Tel: 773-498-4498 Fax: 312-276-3040 Email: 117 USA

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