I started in the US Senate as a legislative assistant to a senator. I then practiced law for a little more than a decade with a large firm in Michigan. I went on the federal court in 1990 and served there for 27 years; I was the Chief Judge of that court for more than seven years. I have been with JAMS since 1 February 2017. “JAMS” stands for Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services and is the largest provider of alternative dispute resolution services in the world. We have more than 30 offices and about 450 neutrals – mediators, arbitrators, neutral evaluators, etc. I am an owner and a member of the JAMS board of directors. About Gerald E. Rosen Contact Hon. Gerald E. Rosen (Ret.) Mediator/Arbitrator 150 West Jefferson Ave., Suite 850 Detroit, MI 48226 Tel: 313.872.1100 Email: grosen@jamsadr.com www.jamsadr.com 18 USA Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2022
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