Patent Axis, Inc.

Patent Axis, Inc.

Patent Axis, Inc.

Patent Axis, Inc.

While idiomatic expressions tell us to consider both sides of a story, decision points in the patent process are rarely limited to dual choices. Rather than black and white options, multi-faceted choices are the norm. PatentAxis Inc. navigates such selections with proficiency in order to positively impact the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the patenting process.

PatentAxis Inc. is a Canadian patent services firm located in the financial district of Toronto, Canada. The firm is experienced in all types of patent preparation and analysis providing services of patent filing, prosecution and consultations to its clients.

Understanding client objectives and providing pragmatic guidance in view of these objectives is a hallmark of the firm's business approach. Strong client communication skills underlie this approach. Whenever feasible, multi-faceted choices inherent in patent prosecution are distilled within the context of client objectives to represent available choices in a practical format of risks and opportunities to allow clients to select choices best suited to their objectives. Guidance and consultations provided to clients is based on a nimble client service model that assesses and adapts to each client's goals and needs.

Accessibility and prompt and clear responses to clients wishing to discuss strategy or query a patent practice is a cornerstone of PatentAxis Inc.'s service model. Client initiated discussion and questions are encouraged by a policy of not charging for brief telephone calls. Every attempt is made to have calls directed to and answered by a relevant patent professional during business hours. Open communication channels provide clients with opportunities to make informed decisions when considering multiple parallel options that can arise during filing and prosecution and ultimately obtain patents that are better correlated with client goals.

Strong client relations are a natural progression from an inspirational respect that PatentAxis Inc. holds for its clients and their business activity. The entrepreneurial process requires coordination of multiple interacting parts and successful decisions by clients to take an idea through research and development to a recognized innovation in the market place. This process takes insight and dedication that commands respect and the firm is always keen to do its part to help and foster the process from a patent perspective.
The firm has been fortunate to have a client roster filled with dynamic innovators and conscientious businesses. As a result of the quality of clients opportunities have always eclipsed challenges throughout the firm's history. Canadian innovation is based on enduring local talent that will continue to bring new solutions to market regardless of overlying economic conditions. Economic changes can create corresponding budgetary revisions, but as long as the desire to protect innovation is maintained PatentAxis Inc is nimble and adept at providing practical options and tactics to defer costs and adjust to budgetary constraints.

Jai Chatterjee is a Director of PatentAxis Inc., and has over two decades of experience helping clients obtain patent protection for various technologies. His scientific background is in the health sciences having received a PhD in Biochemistry from McGill University. Early in his career his patent practice related to medical and biotechnology fields as a natural progression from his doctoral research, but over the years he has helped a great variety of clients having diverse technologies to the point that now discussions on most technologies are welcome.

Jai gratefully accepts this accolade from Lawyer Monthly on behalf of PatentAxis Inc. and provides further comments expressing appreciation: "PatentAxis Inc. is thrilled to be included among winners of the Legal Awards 2023 edition of Lawyer Monthly Magazine. The firm is excited to celebrate this award as a reflection of a roster of trusted client relationships and sends heartfelt thanks to those who took time out of their schedules to cast favourable votes and make this win possible."

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