Lawyer Monthly - Legal Awards 2024

17 Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2024 other personal injury firms to take on a client, it is an inevitable aspect of working in a popular market. In what ways does PT Law distinguish itself from other personal injury firms in Nevada? One of the complaints we hear most often from clients who were transferred over from other law firms is they do not know what is going on with their case and why they need to seek treatment now as opposed to later. For us, making sure the client is informed is a priority. From the initial intake meeting, we educate the client on how a personal injury claim progresses from beginning to finish. We discuss the possible treatments clients may undergo based on our past experience and set expectations in a realistic manner. As opposed to telling our client to go get treated and come back to us when the client finishes treatment, we stand by our client and guide them through the process. If the client does not know what doctor they should seek to receive treatment, we provide them with recommendations based on the type of injury they sustained. When there are updates on a client’s case, we bring them in to discuss the update and to plan out the next step. In the end, the client feels informed about the process and feels as if they were going through the process alongside us. Can you shed light on any recent changes or trends in Nevada’s legal landscape that have influenced personal injury cases? One of the ongoing issues in Nevada’s personal injury landscape is a petition to limit attorneys’ fees for personal injury cases. The petition, named Nevadans for Fair Recovery, seeks to put a limit on how much personal injury attorneys can charge in a personal injury matter. Ordinarily, personal injury attorneys’ fees are based on the length and depth of the representation provided. Attorneys’ fees for cases that settle before litigation is a lot less than cases that go to trial. The petition, if passed, will put a hard limit on attorneys’ fees regardless of the type of representation rendered. Q Q Q Making sure the client is informed is a priority. From the initial intake meeting, we educate the client on how a personal injury claim progresses from beginning to finish. “

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